Before she hitched with the Trump wagon, she was associated with Romney, 100% supported the witch trial against Zimmerman, allied with corrupt DA Angela Corey, is an experienced lobbyist, and considers Israel America's "greatest ally" (MIGA).
I see why Trump likes her with their long history, but I have my doubts; the only non-mercenary positives I've been able to tease out was that she was tenaciously against gay marriage per Florida's constitution, and fought against Obamacare.
Looking to be proven wrong on overall sentiment. Never thought Gaetz would get approved given his past controversies, but I did anticipate a stronger fight for theatrical reasons if nothing else; maybe someone like Paxton would have been a good 2nd choice.
She certainly knows how her bread is buttered.
Before she hitched with the Trump wagon, she was associated with Romney, 100% supported the witch trial against Zimmerman, allied with corrupt DA Angela Corey, is an experienced lobbyist, and considers Israel America's "greatest ally" (MIGA).
I see why Trump likes her with their long history, but I have my doubts; the only non-mercenary positives I've been able to tease out was that she was tenaciously against gay marriage per Florida's constitution, and fought against Obamacare.
Looking to be proven wrong on overall sentiment. Never thought Gaetz would get approved given his past controversies, but I did anticipate a stronger fight for theatrical reasons if nothing else; maybe someone like Paxton would have been a good 2nd choice.