There has been inflation before today, you know.
It does look like there has been a negative trend overall, though obviously this is a big jump. I think what may be the biggest contribution to this leap is an increased awareness that presiding politicians do not care for their constituents' interests. Like you suggest, they are all acting towards globalist ideals, and normal people have really started seeing what harm it is causing them, almost all at once (energy problems, ridiculous covid policies, not-so-peaceful migrants, trooning, extreme feminism). The "leaders" have also become much more hostile to opposition, to a degree that merely questioning something can turn someone into an enemy.
There has been inflation before today, you know.
It does look like there has been a negative trend overall, though obviously this is a big jump. I think what may be the biggest contribution to this leap is an increased awareness that presiding politicians do not care for their constituents' interests. Like you suggest, they are all acting towards globalist ideals, and normal people have really started seeing what harm it is causing them, almost all at once (energy problems, ridiculous covid policies, not-so-peaceful migrants, trooning, extreme feminism). The "leaders" have also become much more hostile to opposition, to a degree that merely questioning something can turn someone into an enemy.