What gets me about the men bad women good mentality is that it's from the people who felt making fun of women at every opportunity in the media they made are either about to die, or have died already.
Their opinions and jokes and other thoughts only hang around because of re-runs, that by the way are getting sanitized because people will be offended for other people. And for some reason we all have to march in a perpetual today-ism society where nothing bad can ever be shown, except if it's to a man.
So, instead of breaking the cycle of treating each other like jerks, and making others feel lesser so they can feel better, they perpetuate and continue the abuse cycle.
They could at any time choose not to do any of that. Or they could be a feminist and project all their hatred of those men onto all men and ruin things that others like because they're vindictive to people that exist because they are also guys and guys are bad ... just because orange man bad, okay? And he's a man and they are man so all man bad.
What gets me about the men bad women good mentality is that it's from the people who felt making fun of women at every opportunity in the media they made are either about to die, or have died already.
Their opinions and jokes and other thoughts only hang around because of re-runs, that by the way are getting sanitized because people will be offended for other people. And for some reason we all have to march in a perpetual today-ism society where nothing bad can ever be shown, except if it's to a man.
So, instead of breaking the cycle of treating each other like jerks, and making others feel lesser so they can feel better, they perpetuate and continue the abuse cycle.
They could at any time choose not to do any of that. Or they could be a feminist and project all their hatred of those men onto all men and ruin things that others like because they're vindictive to people that exist because they are also guys and guys are bad ... just because orange man bad, okay? And he's a man and they are man so all man bad.
And that's what we're dealing with.