Maybe Netflix botched the stream on purpose. Maybe they knew ahead of time it was an overhyped fight that wasn't going to be that exciting, so they ensured it would periodically freeze, crash, or pixelate so that no one would properly see it. Maybe Netflix did this because they realized viewers would be happier believing they missed the fight of the century rather than see what a boring and uneventful match it really was. Hey, it works for Brockian Ultra-Cricket!
Maybe Netflix botched the stream on purpose. Maybe they knew ahead of time it was an overhyped fight that wasn't going to be that exciting, so they ensured it would periodically freeze, crash, or pixelate so that no one would properly see it. Maybe Netflix did this because they realized viewers would be happier believing they missed the fight of the century rather than see what a boring and uneventful match it really was. Hey, it works for Brockian Ultra-Cricket!