"things get simpler" is not reality. You're talking about simplexity, but that doesn't have any relation to what you can understand as a homo sapien in regards to the universe. The universe is as it is, it does not have a requirement to conform to human intuition. What it could it simplify to may only be simple from a non-human perspective. And again, that is within the material universe. Politics is non-rational, and non-material.
You are attempting to conflate being reductive as a universal principle. Even this comment:
provided libertarian don't destroy all science funding or democrats give it all to the niggers.
demonstrates your own ignorance. There's zero nuance in the statement. It's an attempted attack on me, a universal statement of all libertarians, a universal statement on all blacks, an assumption about the universal intent of all blacks at all times and all places, and an assumption that science can only be funded by the government. You've made a litany of assumptions because you believe that a perfect ideology can exist while being complete and consistent; thus, you can simply operate entirely off of thought-terminating cliches.
That's not reality. It's never reality. There is no ideology that will correctly map to the universe, and you will always have paradoxes in all models, particularly when dealing with non-material topics.
"things get simpler" is not reality. You're talking about simplexity, but that doesn't have any relation to what you can understand as a homo sapien in regards to the universe. The universe is as it is, it does not have a requirement to conform to human intuition. What it could it simplify to may only be simple from a non-human perspective. And again, that is within the material universe. Politics is non-rational, and non-material.
You are attempting to conflate being reductive as a universal principle. Even this comment:
demonstrates your own ignorance. There's zero nuance in the statement. It's an attempted attack on me, a universal statement of all libertarians, a universal statement on all blacks, an assumption about the universal intent of all blacks at all times and all places, and an assumption that science can only be funded by the government. You've made a litany of assumptions because you believe that a perfect ideology can exist while being complete and consistent; thus, you can simply operate entirely off of thought-terminating cliches.
That's not reality. It's never reality. There is no ideology that will correctly map to the universe, and you will always have paradoxes in all models, particularly when dealing with non-material topics.