- no marriage
- no childbirth
- no dating
- no sex with men
These women are radioactive and since they want to quarantine themselves, they should be encouraged. In fact, we need to start telling prog women to become 4B. We can call them 4bitches.
I'm completely serious. This is perfect judo. It destroys their power, makes them miserable, and deprives prog men. It's as effective a political weapon as you're ever going to get.
I would like to add a fifth bullet point though:
- no posting photos for men
It kind of reminds me of the feminists burning their bras in the 70s. A meaningless action that we pretend was some brave act of defiance against the patriarchy.
I guess this actually does help with the actual problem though. If you’re not having sex, you won’t need an abortion. I bet most of these whores won’t be able to make it two weeks without male validation though.
A 4bitch quoted in the NYT: "It would take a really special man to break through this"
I'm sure it would, sweetie. I'm sure it would