If you're going by the archaic method, there's several more: Caucasoid, Negroid, Mongoloid, Orientaloid, Americanoid, and Australianoid(?).
That being said, those aren't based in biological reality, so you're going to have to accept them as political constructs, or use a different mechanism. But yeah, for sure, they ain't ethnicities.
3 races, Caucasoid, Negroid, Mongoloid
Most people don't recognize the difference between race and ethnicity
Sorry you got downvote raped
If you're going by the archaic method, there's several more: Caucasoid, Negroid, Mongoloid, Orientaloid, Americanoid, and Australianoid(?).
That being said, those aren't based in biological reality, so you're going to have to accept them as political constructs, or use a different mechanism. But yeah, for sure, they ain't ethnicities.