Seven people, a 57-year-old woman and six men aged between 22 and 79, were arrested for antisemitism and homophobia
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Memba when France wasn't a cucked meme of a country?
Nah, neither do I.
Paris has been fucked since the days of the commune. The rest of France has to deal with it, just like America has to deal with blue-tribe metastasis.
You have to go back a bit in the history books.
Crusades good. Usury bad.
You could tell whites were really in power because the monetary debt that the nobility would rack up meant nothing if they discovered a newfound hate for usury. Issue a proclamation, goodbye jews, "national" debt gone, and some confiscated assets to boot. I think this is what Hitler wanted to do, too.
Much unlike the way, say, the World Bank works today saddling future governments and their citizens with the debt from one dictator.
Deus Vult!