Hide among the noise? As soon as you access any website or download or post any dissident comment, then you're immediately going to be flagged. Even if your online activity is perfectly legal, you're being entered in a database and analyzed.
As soon as you access from a connection that you own. Access it from other peoples connections. Generate the noise yourself. Make your connection look like it belongs to a dorm. Bounce your traffic through two separate connections. Learn how to make all your connections look different. Noise is more than just volume.
So.. your complaint is that it's hard to be an armchair dissident?
Hiding your traffic makes it easier to find because so few people go to that trouble.
Your better bet is to hide among noise.
Hide among the noise? As soon as you access any website or download or post any dissident comment, then you're immediately going to be flagged. Even if your online activity is perfectly legal, you're being entered in a database and analyzed.
As soon as you access from a connection that you own. Access it from other peoples connections. Generate the noise yourself. Make your connection look like it belongs to a dorm. Bounce your traffic through two separate connections. Learn how to make all your connections look different. Noise is more than just volume.
So.. your complaint is that it's hard to be an armchair dissident?
Good luck.
No, I'm saying that choosing not to hide your traffic is stupid.
Yes, and I'm telling you that "hiding your traffic" is impossible, and you should be smarter, if you actually want to be a "dissident."
Or.. I guess.. yea, the guys charging $20/mo can hide you from the government.
If you believe that.. I have some other services you might be interested in.
Or run TOR over a VPN. More than a few of us do this. Especially if you're going to host an exit node.