You know what sent her into a fury, when she decided she needed to become a super-hero? Okay, I'm not kidding about this, hold on:
She was in elementary school and the teacher asked everyone what they wanted to be. She stood up and said, "Superhero". The teacher said, "that's nice". Then elementary school Iron Heart just stared at her. The teacher stared back. She stared longer at the teacher. The teacher asked, "what?". Iron Heart looked back and said, "This is the part where you're supposed to tell me that I can't do it, that I don't have any powers, or that superheroes don't look like me. That's supposed to drive me forward and fuel me into becoming a superhero." The teacher looked back at her and said, "Why would I do that? You can be whatever you want."
In response, Iron Heart is furious, grimaces, and sits down hating the teacher for telling her she could grow up to be anything she wants.
I shit you not.
Like every other Leftist fuck-head shitter-hero, she is a raging narcissist. She is a physically unbearable cunt who asserts that she is better than everyone else, that everyone else is inferior to her, and her superiority is backed with resentment that not everyone agrees that she's better than them. She doesn't even have a smug sense of self-superiority. It is a resentful sense of self-superiority. She's pissed off at everyone because they don't see themselves as inferior to her from the moment they greet her. She doesn't greet them, everyone else is in the way. She literally doesn't even really save the day. She literally causes all of her own problems, starts wars, blames everyone else, then "solves" the problems she started by doing terrible things and lecturing everyone about how much better she is than them.
As with Captain Marvel, she's literally a super villain.
Iron Heart is literally a villain.
You know what sent her into a fury, when she decided she needed to become a super-hero? Okay, I'm not kidding about this, hold on:
She was in elementary school and the teacher asked everyone what they wanted to be. She stood up and said, "Superhero". The teacher said, "that's nice". Then elementary school Iron Heart just stared at her. The teacher stared back. She stared longer at the teacher. The teacher asked, "what?". Iron Heart looked back and said, "This is the part where you're supposed to tell me that I can't do it, that I don't have any powers, or that superheroes don't look like me. That's supposed to drive me forward and fuel me into becoming a superhero." The teacher looked back at her and said, "Why would I do that? You can be whatever you want."
In response, Iron Heart is furious, grimaces, and sits down hating the teacher for telling her she could grow up to be anything she wants.
I shit you not.
Like every other Leftist fuck-head shitter-hero, she is a raging narcissist. She is a physically unbearable cunt who asserts that she is better than everyone else, that everyone else is inferior to her, and her superiority is backed with resentment that not everyone agrees that she's better than them. She doesn't even have a smug sense of self-superiority. It is a resentful sense of self-superiority. She's pissed off at everyone because they don't see themselves as inferior to her from the moment they greet her. She doesn't greet them, everyone else is in the way. She literally doesn't even really save the day. She literally causes all of her own problems, starts wars, blames everyone else, then "solves" the problems she started by doing terrible things and lecturing everyone about how much better she is than them.
As with Captain Marvel, she's literally a super villain.
This wiki entry is a puff piece.
Don't forget, the teacher capitulated to that outrageous notion, so she said "Fine... you'll never be like Tony Stark."
... Shit is literally "Waaaah, why am I not being oppressed?"