posted ago by Kienan ago by Kienan +74 / -0

Not too much to report; No major news since last time, but wanted to talk a bit about the social media accounts of some of the big players. As well as a few other things like the status of the "war" and where I think it's headed.

The dangerhaired Community Manager, Nat privated she/they's account.

The #wokot Project Manager, Remi privated his account, after defending the vile Discord mod, Xananax (ironically, as always, they're more focused on that he said "nigger," than that he called complainers subhuman scum who should basically kill themselves and have no place in Our Society); Remi seems to be buddies with both Xananax and Nat.

Disappointingly, the project creator, Juan, privated his account as well. This came after an initial take that approached sanity, but was then marred by woke nonsense and justification of bans. He also spouted off on an alternate platform, blaming Trump supporters and weebs among others, which I'll get to in a bit. Just like Nat, and the Godot Engine account, he's mocking people after blocking or privating. Cowards, all of them.

So, yeah. A lot of people weren't paying attention, and thought it stopped at a rogue Community Manager. That was never the case. She always had the full backing (and friendship) of a bunch of the people actually coding the engine, and owning and/or running things.

To recap, since the blow up, the project creator, the project manager, and the community manager have all privated their accounts, each after roundly mocking anyone who dared call them out. I wish it wasn't, as I do like the engine, but this is rotten all the way down.

Now, here's what the creator, Juan, had to say on Mastadon (because of course), also, emphasis mine:

Will chill from Twitter/X until after the US elections. Almost all the hate Godot got over the weekend was pretty much people who had not a clue what a game engine is, what Godot is, or what a FOSS / community made project is. Most of the ones who did were the usual haters.
Checking profile of haters, majority pro-trump people with weird religious symbology, or people with avatars/obsession for anime little girls.
Sometimes I feel I am too innocent for this world.

Blames the hate on Trump supporters, and say that the "haters" they don't like games or engines, essentially. All but calls others pedophiles. I assume "weird religious symbology" is probably the Christian cross. Also, calling Platinum level backers (100 pounds a month) people who don't know what an engine is, is pretty crass.

I'm so tired of these assholes. At least this guy actually made something, to his credit, but there's so many others who haven't, who want to say anyone complaining isn't a "real gamer," or isn't into game development, or isn't a member of the "actual community." They're scum, for all their cries of "inclusivity." No one on the "Godot fucked up" side of things is calling for gays and trannies to be banned from interacting with the platform. Ironically, we've got no problem with that, and think Godot actually is for everyone. The "Godot is for everyone" crowd, meanwhile, will openly say they want us all banned, and worse.

It's all, to use the term they love, gaslighting. They're our enemies, they'll say as much openly, but then also say that us noticing that they're our enemies is fragility and insanity, and that we're not really interested in the communities or hobbies they actively infiltrate and subvert.

Now, as to where I think the "war" is headed...basically, it's still too early. This kicked off right around the end of the month, I believe, so some donations were already dropping off. Others dropped support, but it didn't seem to be that many, although at least one was a big one. There was an influx of support over the outrage, too, and some people have claimed they gained donations...I still say let it shake out, we'll see what it's like at the end of this month. But it could be the case, that there's currently no big difference. This passed by a lot of people. It seems like a flash in the pan, although that can sometimes build to more. I do think this damaged their reputation - it certainly did in my eyes - and that can very well hurt down the line. I will say, I do wish there had been a bigger rally around this, not going to lie. Their behavior was very vile, but the outrage is admittedly pretty niche. Again, it could echo down the line though.

As to the forks...I have yet to see any proof of competence, or anything beyond outrage forking. I'm not saying that will remain the case, and I'll still be watching Redot with interest, but they seem to be moving fairly slowly so far. I do hope they get off the ground, as competition is good in general, even if Godot hadn't shit the bed. I'm rooting for a competent Godot fork, hopefully even one that is more than just a clone, and actually adds features Godot doesn't have.

Honest assessment...so far, it's neutral. Which is a win for them, since they fired the first shots. Do I think they'll get away with their behavior largely unscathed? Again, too soon to tell, but it's certainly possible. There is often a fair bit of lag time though, so we'll see. I do hope this drives competition though.