Kyle Rittenhouse was invited to a rock concert and bands and the news are trying to destroy the whole thing. This article includes the false info on how Rittenhouse defended himself
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Kyle Rittenhouse was invited to a rock concert and bands and the news are trying to destroy the whole thing. This article includes the false info on how Rittenhouse defended himself
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“The band Evergreen Terrace announced it would be pulling out of the festival”
Literally who?
Can any metal people tell me if these guys matter?
It's not metal, it's hardcore and metalcore, no matter how anyone presents the story including the bands or promoters themselves. Even the Simp Rock Palace framed this as 'Four Hardcore Bands Exit'. They might be the biggest hardcore band in the world, but I wouldn't know because I only know metal and they're not a metal band.
The distinction is important because the scenes are very different. 'Hardcore' doesn't mean 'really really hardcore brutal metal' or anything like that, it means hardcore punk. 'Metalcore' means hardcore punk with metal elements. The difference is reflected in the fans. In contrast to metal, where you get a vast plurality of mostly down to earth people, of all ages, for -core bands you get a bunch of commie faggots, mostly. Either very young ones or leftist crusties living in the past, still imagining themselves as college students in Che shirts. The type who probably also still love Rage Against the Machine and think they're subversive.
So with that said, it's BIZARRE that a fest like this would book Rittenhouse. This is the organiser's statement:
The liberal mob? The fans of the bands you booked ARE a liberal mob lmao. It could be one of the hen's tooth right wing punks, setting out to try and reclaim some ideological ground in the scene, or it could be some kind of based organiser deliberately sabotaging things, by doing something he accurately predicted several bands would throw a fit in response to.
So the way this is being reported now, as a kind of 'look how unpopular Rittenhouse is among metallers' story, is fantasy and probably damage control. A bunch of faggot lefty bands in a faggot lefty scene somehow (perhaps as part of a clever trap) found themselves on the same bill as a guy who shot antifa child molesters. And they removed themselves in support of trannifa. It's a non-story or a funny one, but it isn't about metal in the slightest.
Sort of like the faux old folksie bands in Seattle?
I wouldn't have a clue, but my gut says no - hardcore has more of a lineage with NYC, with bands like Agnostic Front. I looked up Evergreen Terrace and they're pretty similar despite being generations apart.
Now someone not into metal might listen to those and think whatever... it's loud and they're shouting, it's metal. Not really though. Metal Archives usually has your back in figuring out what a band is.