Brook Cheuvront, 20, was reported missing Saturday from Table Mountain in Cape Town — where she was studying —
Imagine traveling to the other side of the world to be around niggers. TO CHOOSE TO BE AROUND NIGGERS.
Found this in the article comments:
...her parents were liberals. The Dad is a lawyer and his Facebook page is politically pro-democrat, and the teacher mom calls herself a climate activist. She sadly learned from them.
Has her parents come out wishing she was killed by an old white guy instead?
Cape Town is/was one of the last bastions of Afrikaners in SA. It is absolutely beautiful beyond belief, but judging by this article it too has now fallen.
I can't even describe how beautiful this land is and it saddens me to think that the beach penguins will likely be another casualty.
Imagine traveling to the other side of the world to be around niggers. TO CHOOSE TO BE AROUND NIGGERS.
EDIT: Found this in the article comments:
Has her parents come out wishing she was killed by an old white guy instead?
Cape Town is/was one of the last bastions of Afrikaners in SA. It is absolutely beautiful beyond belief, but judging by this article it too has now fallen.
I can't even describe how beautiful this land is and it saddens me to think that the beach penguins will likely be another casualty.
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