97 Chinese Zoo Admits Pandas Are Painted Dogs After Outrage (www.tmz.com) posted 89 days ago by woxter 89 days ago by woxter +99 / -2 Chinese Zoo Admits Pandas Are Painted Dogs After Outrage Chinese zoogoers are barking mad after learning the alleged pandas they visited at the Shanwei Zoo were just dogs painted to look like the at-risk bears. 43 comments share 43 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Sun Bear, probably.
Those things are nightmares made manifest. They are so uncanny.
I hadn't thought of it that way but you've hit the nail on the head here. Ooky
I swear half the pics I just saw from a quick search looked like they were taxidermy models. If they weren't outdoors I fully would have believed them to actually be taxidermied.