Trying to look back to make sure I'm not rose tinting my memory, was coloured hair EVER attached to attractive women or was that exclusively Goths, Punks and Emos with only jet black hair or green hair?
All the "red flags" like colored hair and tattoos and piercings we talk about now were once attached to attractive women, but part of what made it attractive was it signifying rebellion, taboo, and all sorts of societal norm breaking. That's pretty normal to be attracted to, especially for men as it usually meant that girl would fuck you like no other.
Now, just like back then, its used by women to constantly chase not hating themselves for 5 minutes that day, because that's always the reason it happens. But because you can't get that "fuck you I'm unique and non-comformist" feels off it because everyone is doing it, they now need to compensate with doing more of it and more often.
Trying to look back to make sure I'm not rose tinting my memory, was coloured hair EVER attached to attractive women or was that exclusively Goths, Punks and Emos with only jet black hair or green hair?
All the "red flags" like colored hair and tattoos and piercings we talk about now were once attached to attractive women, but part of what made it attractive was it signifying rebellion, taboo, and all sorts of societal norm breaking. That's pretty normal to be attracted to, especially for men as it usually meant that girl would fuck you like no other.
Now, just like back then, its used by women to constantly chase not hating themselves for 5 minutes that day, because that's always the reason it happens. But because you can't get that "fuck you I'm unique and non-comformist" feels off it because everyone is doing it, they now need to compensate with doing more of it and more often.