The worst part of the past 4/6/8/10 years has been my blackpilling of the average attention span and awareness of normies. I knew there were retards out there who could be enticed with a jingling bell, but the sheer number of people who fall for "Here's propaganda of a brown kid looking sad, dissolve your country because he's so sad" is staggering. It reminds me of the feeling I had when I first saw gamergate, that feeling of obviously noticing that gay women and gay womenly men were using a trillion dollar industry as a personal piggy bank and wondering why people were so easily swayed by obvious lies.
democracy is neither good nor bad. its a system for selecting figureheads. you could switch to hereditary monarchy tomorrow, and you'd have different figureheads. But thats no guarantee they won't do the exact same shit, because they would still be owned by the exact same people.
that is so retarded. That was so biased as fuck even the normies tuned out
You're dramatically underestimating how effective propaganda is against the disinterested masses in the middle.
The worst part of the past 4/6/8/10 years has been my blackpilling of the average attention span and awareness of normies. I knew there were retards out there who could be enticed with a jingling bell, but the sheer number of people who fall for "Here's propaganda of a brown kid looking sad, dissolve your country because he's so sad" is staggering. It reminds me of the feeling I had when I first saw gamergate, that feeling of obviously noticing that gay women and gay womenly men were using a trillion dollar industry as a personal piggy bank and wondering why people were so easily swayed by obvious lies.
And now you see why democracy was a mistake.
democracy is neither good nor bad. its a system for selecting figureheads. you could switch to hereditary monarchy tomorrow, and you'd have different figureheads. But thats no guarantee they won't do the exact same shit, because they would still be owned by the exact same people.