You would assume wrong. I've only heard of "drake" because of the /pol/ posts with a picture with dick in his mouth. I have no idea who or what ken lamar is but I assume it's some sort of nigger since the first sentence of this article instructs me to "sit down and be humble" when gazing upon it lol
You would assume wrong. I've only heard of "drake" because of the /pol/ posts with a picture with dick in his mouth. I have no idea who or what ken lamar is but I assume it's some sort of nigger since the first sentence of this article instructs me to "sit down and be humble" when gazing upon it lol
You are one fucking person, that's not enough to prove anything
Next time speak for yourself, nigger loving NPC
I'm sorry, who are you? And you're retarded because if you could read faggot, I said it was unfortunate it was mainstream news. Fucking idiot
Apparently I'm the guy making you seethe for breaking up your nigger loving consensus posts.
lol. lmao even