I am arguing for the presumption of innocence, from the position of 'trust but verify.' I don't trust the DoJ or the youtubers. Stacking up conditional judgements based on sources I don't trust strikes me as folly, but hey-- it's your time and energy.
It's not fanboism. It's friend-enemy distinction. They'd rather give the people on the right who are being pursued by institutions captured by the left the benefit of the doubt.
Yeah. Tribal. Stupid? Maybe not. Fanboism it ain't.
Even if they're not officially with a government agency or organisation they still could be taking government money.
"Could" being the word there. Why are you taking the DOJ at their word, and then going further with your accusations?
I don't understand why people on this site are being such blatant fanbois
Again, no one is fanboying here, as has been explained multiple times. I can't speak for everyone, but it seems like the majority opinion is unfavorable toward many of the individuals. Heck, the prime target was Tim Pool, who gets a lot of hate here.
No one is "fanboying," yet you keep pulling that out.
...over this particular issue when not five seconds ago they were attacking Dustborn devs for doing exactly the same thing.
I'm not sure of the Dustborn situation, but I assume they took government grants or something? Openly? If so, my objection would be that taxpayers funded that shit. I don't hate the Dustborn devs for taking money that's on the table, and I doubt anyone else here was saying they did either. That's not the issue; in that case the issue is the government spending, not receiving the money.
If the government sets you up to make it look like you're taking money that you didn't even know about...well, I still blame the government in that instance.
Dustborn and Tenet are two completely different situations, but the government deserves the blame in both instances. This isn't hard.
The youtubers in question could have taken money from suspicious sources they should have done due diligence on
It sounds like they did do due diligence. It's not like this was a pile of cash from Russians, in Russian currency, with Cyrillic bands holding the cash together, and men in suits with DOJ badges were hanging around in the room. Their friend said they had investors lined up.
Fyi, I have never once claimed that the government are the good guys...
I don't think anyone has said you have. I've said you are giving them the benefit of the doubt, when they're proven liars. You're not saying they're the good guys, but you're saying their claims have merit.
I believe that both of those things are true.
I am arguing for the presumption of innocence, from the position of 'trust but verify.' I don't trust the DoJ or the youtubers. Stacking up conditional judgements based on sources I don't trust strikes me as folly, but hey-- it's your time and energy.
It's not fanboism. It's friend-enemy distinction. They'd rather give the people on the right who are being pursued by institutions captured by the left the benefit of the doubt.
Yeah. Tribal. Stupid? Maybe not. Fanboism it ain't.
"Could" being the word there. Why are you taking the DOJ at their word, and then going further with your accusations?
Again, no one is fanboying here, as has been explained multiple times. I can't speak for everyone, but it seems like the majority opinion is unfavorable toward many of the individuals. Heck, the prime target was Tim Pool, who gets a lot of hate here.
No one is "fanboying," yet you keep pulling that out.
I'm not sure of the Dustborn situation, but I assume they took government grants or something? Openly? If so, my objection would be that taxpayers funded that shit. I don't hate the Dustborn devs for taking money that's on the table, and I doubt anyone else here was saying they did either. That's not the issue; in that case the issue is the government spending, not receiving the money.
If the government sets you up to make it look like you're taking money that you didn't even know about...well, I still blame the government in that instance.
Dustborn and Tenet are two completely different situations, but the government deserves the blame in both instances. This isn't hard.
It sounds like they did do due diligence. It's not like this was a pile of cash from Russians, in Russian currency, with Cyrillic bands holding the cash together, and men in suits with DOJ badges were hanging around in the room. Their friend said they had investors lined up.
I don't think anyone has said you have. I've said you are giving them the benefit of the doubt, when they're proven liars. You're not saying they're the good guys, but you're saying their claims have merit.
Which is my point?!