Her house was raided the day the indictment was unsealed. More than likely all her bank accounts are frozen, she has no computers or cell phone, and now her YouTube channel is deleted, and The Blaze fired her yesterday.
Nominal right wing commentators are leaving her out to dry, and X is having a field day.
I am super pissed off about this. Everyone has forgotten how corrupt the DoJ is.
I am super black pilled over this. Our side will never be able to put up even moderate resistance to the approaching tyranny if they are so easily led around by the nose like this.
Robert Barnes discussed this tonight on Locals, and he brought up some interesting points:
The two RT people under indictment are no longer in the country, and are not in custody. What does this mean? The government will not face a defense against these charges, and no one will demand discovery for the evidence. The government will not have to prove where the money came from, nor offer any other proof to justify these charges.
Neither Lauren or her husband will be able to have their day in court, and will have their reputations permanently trashed through government sponsored innuendo.
Robert also insinuated that it isn't RT behind this, but more likely it is someone closer to Langley, Virginia.
Just a reminder, Robert Barnes is full blown running interference for Nick Rekieta after he was arrested for cocaine possession while neglecting his five children and living in a polycule while another man fucked his wife in the same bed he was sleeping in.
Oh noes. Robert Barnes believes in civil rights even for people who do sketchy shit. What a terrible dude.
It's way beyond that.
He keeps parroting that the search warrant of Nick's house was invalid and politically motivated when the police and CPS had multiple people come forward re: his drug use, his strange behavior and the welfare of his children including his pastor, his wife's sister and the man cucking him.
He also argues in bad faith to anyone pointing out holes in his wild theories finding fault in anyone but his cokehead deadbeat dad Internet friend, calling Josh Moon and fellow Lawtube lawyers pedos simply because they filed legal requests to have the bodycam of Rekieta's arrest released publicly.
Which Nick has made every legal effort possible to keep sealed.