posted ago by Lethn ago by Lethn +37 / -1


This article is poorly written because it's trying to gush about Keir Starmer and somehow compare the silly twat to John F Kennedy and his moon landing, uh no but here's the main part of what has me shitting bricks. As expected they are going all in on the zero emissions nonsense which explains a great deal potentially of why the prices of things like vehicle insurance are likely really rising.

It won't be just because of migration though that definitely is a factor, the shit heads are absolutely trying to price us all off the road. I've also seen occasional articles about a potential planned 20mph speed limit in England in various areas so who knows when the hell that will hit and how many problems it will cause.

So adding to the fact they're making private transportation pretty much impossible to afford despite how many people are reliant on it because public transport is shit and doesn't work.

but Biden reaped almost no electoral reward because the ambitious policies made no emotional connection with voters.

“You can deliver stuff,” they said. “But if you deliver stuff and make people feel shit about themselves — because they’re disempowered, they haven’t been involved — then you won’t necessarily get the return that you expect.”

What a load of crap propaganda and cope, no, because the average person even if they are completely retarded can look at the situation, do the maths and realise how much you're going to fuck them and make it impossible to live day to day. They are obsessed with this 2030 deadline, it could be a good thing though, because even if they get what they want they run the risk of pushing it all too hard and red pilling the normies.

So far the main policies I see from the Labour party being put into action are, arrest dissidents, more mass migration, blame the conservatives for everything and put the country back into the middle ages because there's probably going to be blackouts as a result of them pursuing renewable energy so fanatically.