Aug '21 - Trudeau calls a snap election, campaigns on an air travel ban for purebloods because "they have no right to endanger your children".
Sept '21 - Trudeau wins a minority government against Conservative Erin "Trudeau but in Blue" O'Toole, effectively unchanged from prewrit
Oct '21 - enacts domestic air/train/ferry ban for 4-5 million Canadian purebloods, effectively preventing escape as Biden has the land border closed & international air travel is now banned
Feb '22 - trucker convoy
June '22 - Trudeau unexpectedly lifts air travel ban, Biden's land border remains closed
Fall '22 - former Premier of Newfoundland Brian Peckford and People's Party of Canada leader Maxime Bernier have their Charter Challenge in Federal Court dismissed on the basis of "mootness" as Court says it doesn't want to use resources to adjudicate the legality of Trudeau denying 5 million Canadians mobility rights for a year now that it's been lifted
Aug '24 - Supreme Court declines to hear the case - Chief Justice of the SCC has publicly criticized the trucker convoy movement,
TL;DR - Canadian government can pass any executive order unconstitutional law unchallenged as long as it's rescinded by the time it grinds its way to court.
To recap:
TL;DR - Canadian government can pass any executive order unconstitutional law unchallenged as long as it's rescinded by the time it grinds its way to court.