posted ago by Lethn ago by Lethn +45 / -4


As near as I can work out from reading the comments pages of news articles as well and getting a general feel for what the normies are doing in the UK. The Labour Party policy seems to be, continue everything the Conservatives have been doing and blame them for it with a sprinkling of Brexit sperging depending on how retarded they are.

People have criticised me in the past over planning to leave the country, but this country is completely fucking done and will likely be completely collapsed within the next two years even. Only a fool would stay especially when we've got the KGB looking around for someone to put in prison and migrant gangs are roaming the streets because of how dare you complain about your situation. One of the biggest reasons isn't even all the bad shit going on currently, it's how all the British normies who outnumber anyone red pilled are behaving and will shut down any real discussion about solutions.

Normies are still convinced that anyone against migration is a racist Nazi. By the way I forgot to mention, parliament hasn't even come back from recess yet, we are going to witness an absolute clusterfuck when they do.

Accelerationism go brrrr

Edit: Oh and by the way if Keir Stalin doesn't get me the electricity bills and fuel hikes will