posted ago by SpaceGeneral ago by SpaceGeneral +42 / -2

I didn't watch it when it came out because I was already souring on Star Wars and I pretty much forgot about it, but I've been playing a Star Wars EU based custom DND style tabletop with some buddies for a few weeks and one of them gave me a thumb drive with Andor on it.

It was pretty fucking good. And that's what leads me to being disappointed. It's like having a glimpse of what could have been but wasn't. Even at its "height" of Mandalorian Season 1, Disney Star Wars tv shows were nothing more than normieslop, and got progressively worse from there. I stopped watching after season 2 and only dipped back in to watch Ahsoka because I liked Rebels, and it was the worst thing I've ever seen. All of this was on the high seas of course.

But the here's this relatively obscure show that most people didn't even watch ending up having the best writing out of anything Disney Star Wars produced. And of course it's ignored in favor of more DEI slop like Acolyte. Andor will probably never get a season 2, if it does they'll almost certainly fuck it up, and the entire Star Wars tv show experiment will be remembered like a wet fart during a job interview. All the while, Andor shows that there was at least at one point, a chance for it to have been more, but was deliberately steered away from that by malicious actors at the top.