Feminists and women in general created this entire mess. They've effectively broken two entire generations of men. Not just through their infestation of every institution from government to health care and especially education. Not just through all of the bullying, shaming, denigrating and demonization that men and boys endure from the moment we reach self-awareness. Not just through their poisonous gender ideology, which paved the way for tranny extremism by insisting for decades that gender is not linked to biological sex and that there are no fundamental differences between men and women. They have shrill demanded the creation of a society that demonizes men for being men and rewards women just for being women, and then they get upset when some men are so broken by the insanity they've unleashed that they want to become women.
No, women made this happen. As many pervs and simps as there may be in the tranny movement, their mental illness has been engendered, enabled and encouraged by feminists and by the legions of ordinary women who cheered them on. I have zero sympathy.
Feminists and women in general created this entire mess. They've effectively broken two entire generations of men. Not just through their infestation of every institution from government to health care and especially education. Not just through all of the bullying, shaming, denigrating and demonization that men and boys endure from the moment we reach self-awareness. Not just through their poisonous gender ideology, which paved the way for tranny extremism by insisting for decades that gender is not linked to biological sex and that there are no fundamental differences between men and women. They have shrill demanded the creation of a society that demonizes men for being men and rewards women just for being women, and then they get upset when some men are so broken by the insanity they've unleashed that they want to become women.
No, women made this happen. As many pervs and simps as there may be in the tranny movement, their mental illness has been engendered, enabled and encouraged by feminists and by the legions of ordinary women who cheered them on. I have zero sympathy.