posted ago by Lethn ago by Lethn +68 / -0


Now, caveat, this is the guardian and the guardian readers are the biggest middle class leftists you've ever seen and the observer follows closely behind but I do think this poll is fairly significant.

In terms of the severity of the response, 44% think the government has reacted proportionately to the outbreaks of violence and unrest and 26% think it didn’t go far enough. Only 18% believed ministers had overreacted. There was a similar view on the sentences handed out, with some 70% thinking they were either about right or not harsh enough.

While Elon Musk, the billionaire owner of X, has been criticising the UK’s approach to arresting those found to have been inciting online, the public appear to disagree. Musk has described Stephen Parkinson, the director of public prosecutions in England and Wales, as being part of “The Woke Stasi”. However, 67% of voters said it was fair that people had been arrested for inciting racial hatred on social media, with 15% disagreeing.

Basically a chunk of the normies think they didn't go hard enough on the rioters and that's one thing but they fucking advocate for people to be persecuted online just for shitposting and venting frustration which is what most people who have been arrested were doing contrary to what the media think but apparently that's how much the conversation has shifted. The average member of the public thinks that if you simply have a negative opinion about migration you are dangerous and should be locked up.

I fucking denounce my country and wash my hands of it, especially with the TERFs now on the march against single men just for being single and refusing to date them which is what their screeching is really about. For the record, I do believe the unrest will continue and people will try to fight back, but if the normies are this far gone and think people should be arrested over social media posts this country is done.

Call me black pilled and a doomer, I am, if you're in the UK gtfo fast or make plans now, this is going to get far worse than I anticipated if the public are on side with this bullshit and I think they are.