There are three reasons why pro-life is such an unpopular position, even in red states, that most people are too polite to say out loud, but which make a helluva lot more sense than the explicitly stated reasons for being pro-abortion.
Most people are absolutely terrified of the prospect of not being able to abort a cripple or retard baby. Throughout most of history, outright infanticide was often used to dispense with such profoundly burdensome people. And tbf, people can barely afford to raise a normal child in our dysfunctional economy, nvm a child who will never really "grow up," will always be as tedious to attend to as a toddler in terms of having to protect them from themselves, to say nothing of the medical costs.
The nigger population would explode. No matter how much groid worship Baizuo engage in, no matter how much public self-effacing bullshit and BLM signs they put up, etc, even shitlibs are absolutely terrified of this happening. Hell, functional blacks are terrified of this as well.
Only a complete degenerate would have an abortion of convenience, rather than of necessity. So why in the world do you want trash like that to reproduce, and to raise kids? They're only gonna resent and often abuse any kids they're forced to have, because kids to these people = no more fun.
You don't have to like it, or agree with it, but this is the subtext behind why pro-life is such an uphill battle electorally. Moreover, even if it is killing babies, most people don't actually have a principled stance against infanticide - sure, it's unpleasant, nobody wants to see it, but history and even third world countries today attest to the fact that a principled opposition to infanticide is a luxury belief.
Even a principled opposition to homicide is a luxury belief, as there are plenty of contexts where we're willing to kill people, even civilians. It's just that you can't have a functioning society where people are allowed to kill each other, whereas you can have a functioning society where people are allowed to kill their babies.
God cursed the United States when we legalized child murder for convenience.
Since the Roe decision, we've fallen off cliffs demographically, economically and socially. Not to mention morally. It was alongside the Hart Celler Act the largest blow against the American people in the last two centuries.
Of course it needs to go away, regardless of the arguments for it after the fact. Not only was it ever legalized through judicial fiat, and therefore unjustly enacted in the first place, but it's bad policy that has among other things been the biggest contributing factor in the modern psychopathic zeitgeist of women.
Yes the negroid population would explode. That wouldn't have mattered sixty years ago, because they were a tiny fraction of the population they are now. If you really want to curtail them you need to abolish all social welfare and commit to letting them starve until they reach a population they can sustain. That applies to Africa as a whole too in terms of foreign aid. They breed like rabbits because we keep throwing them more free stuff to do it.
If we could deport 90% of blacks first, then I would be okay with banning abortion outright.
I was with you until you said reapply.