posted ago by StaticNoise2 ago by StaticNoise2 +102 / -0

I don't watch the Olympics or sports in general, just from the memes of me learning stuff like the breakdancing girl, the guy shooting with no protection, which was cool, don't get me wrong, the guy beating up the woman in boxing, the Dutch pedophile, the drag queen mockery of the Last Supper. It's almost like a culmination point of so many woke religion ideologies manifesting in their absurd clown world ways.

As a Christian who believes there's the Spiritual warfare that's always happening as it says in Ephesians, I'm inclined to believe this was intentional, whether many of the participants know it or not.

As an example, the High priest Caiaphas unknowingly prophecised something spiritual when he said better for one man to die for the sake of the nation than for the people to perish, when in his mind he thought he was saying something pragmatic.

Likewise I feel like the Olympics with how absurd they are in so many ways, is like a demonic ritual where many of those participating are believing they're just being "progressive" and "woke" unaware of the spiritual (evil spiritual in this case) role that they're playing.