The Pokemon anime first aired here in 1998, days before the launch of the Game Boy games that started the nationwide craze. I was there for it--you have no idea just how massive it got unless you lived through it.
That means she was only 20 when the series first aired--and depending on when the dub was recorded, she may have been a teenager when she first performed her most famous roles.
(Correction: Nope, she was 29 when the show premiered.)
Fuck cancer because I KNOW there are treatments for it but they keep them off the market for 'profitability'
Much too young and so many memories created from her work.
I was stunned to learn how young she was.
The Pokemon anime first aired here in 1998, days before the launch of the Game Boy games that started the nationwide craze. I was there for it--you have no idea just how massive it got unless you lived through it.
That means she was only 20 when the series first aired--and depending on when the dub was recorded, she may have been a teenager when she first performed her most famous roles.
(Correction: Nope, she was 29 when the show premiered.)
so many batteries were sacrificed