posted ago by Lethn ago by Lethn +47 / -3

They really have no idea what's going on, usual platitudes of woe is me terrible far right riots, here's some footage from yesterday now let's have an equally out of touch moron commentating on it. There will probably be a lull potentially before things start kicking off again and then it will get even worse as the government goes full retard. It's worth pointing out most of them are just re-rolling old footage for an ongoing situation, the ones that are technically outside have clearly kept a very big distance which is lulzy and they're just filming in some random street where all the shops are closed.

You're probably going to get more accurate information from twitter at this rate just from people filming with their phones. Credit where it's due, Lotus Eaters seem to be the most reliable for compiling information at the moment so I'd wait on them if you want a detailed breakdown. There's also Charles Veitch on youtube, but he hasn't posted anything new up yet and was allegedly banned off twitter.