I know for a fact that if Axis had won we wouldn't be in the situation we are in now.
If hitter had won his gay and occult malthusian-environmentalist socialism would have continued around the globe consuming everyone but the germans, until it then turned on itself. It's nationalist socialism, only one step better than internationalist socialism. Still very very gay.
Do you consider it left wing to be nationalist and to go against communists, homosexuals and transgenders,
So Marx and Che Guevara are right now? 2/3 aint bad.
No wonder you turned down alpha's suggestion of Origins and Doctrine of Fascism by Gentile. It's not that that would be too much work, it's that you can't read. Because no, it does not amount to that.
Thanks Fren. While I do agree with ger111 that we must give battle to our enemies, we must know not only our enemy but ourselves. Once you understand that Fascism (National Socialism from which spawns it) and conventional Marxist socialism which begets Communism branch from the same taproot then you understand that the only real difference between the two is what color is the flag flying over your work camp. Basically leftist infighting...
Yeah... these NatSoc is left-wing people always fail to mention that Hitler explicitly excluded women from society. Doctors/Teachers were gently pressed to retire. Only 10% of university positions were given to chicks (presumably for chick-type work). Abortion rates dropped by about 80%.
Hitler's basically the personification of 'Remove the 19th Amendment'.
But yeah, that's totes the same as gay judeo-bolshevism.
If hitter had won his gay and occult malthusian-environmentalist socialism would have continued around the globe consuming everyone but the germans, until it then turned on itself. It's nationalist socialism, only one step better than internationalist socialism. Still very very gay.
So Marx and Che Guevara are right now? 2/3 aint bad.
No wonder you turned down alpha's suggestion of Origins and Doctrine of Fascism by Gentile. It's not that that would be too much work, it's that you can't read. Because no, it does not amount to that.
Thanks Fren. While I do agree with ger111 that we must give battle to our enemies, we must know not only our enemy but ourselves. Once you understand that Fascism (National Socialism from which spawns it) and conventional Marxist socialism which begets Communism branch from the same taproot then you understand that the only real difference between the two is what color is the flag flying over your work camp. Basically leftist infighting...
No it doesn't. If anything, it's more like, "if the Germans had won, it might be 'better' but only marginally different than what we have now."
Yeah... these NatSoc is left-wing people always fail to mention that Hitler explicitly excluded women from society. Doctors/Teachers were gently pressed to retire. Only 10% of university positions were given to chicks (presumably for chick-type work). Abortion rates dropped by about 80%.
Hitler's basically the personification of 'Remove the 19th Amendment'.
But yeah, that's totes the same as gay judeo-bolshevism.