82 Blacks are using AI to convince other blacks that they created everything (media.kotakuinaction2.win) posted 201 days ago by ger111 201 days ago by ger111 +85 / -3 48 comments download share 48 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Some simple questions for you:
is the way that the ADL “protects” jews a good thing or a bad thing?
Should whites found our own ADL and use similar tactics for similar goals? Why or why not?
If you think the way the ADL acts to protect jews is a good thing, who do you think should be the “Leo Frank” character we rally around?
If you think it’s a bad thing, do you thus see how someone could, through nuance, differentiate between “good in group bias” and “bad in group bias”?
You’re almost there
It means never assume you’ve got all the answers, champ
It’s not good for one’s health to wade around in feces and rot