posted ago by Daucus9 ago by Daucus9 +29 / -0


I don't think I've seen something like this happen before. The closed beta was a disaster, I think the Steam version didn't even reach 3k players?

For those unfamiliar with Concord (and I don't blame you), it's a team hero arena shooter made by Firewalk Studios. This game has been in development for several years, and Sony was so impressed with what they saw that Sony purchased the studio back in 2021. Concorn has been revealed and....it looks hideous. The playable characters almost look like a parody of a woke game: fatties, aunties, shitty looking aliens, and everyone dressed up like they're wearing costumes for Doug Walker's next movie.

The gameplay, from what I've heard, is okay, but in this oversaturated market with players having several other options (not to mention FREE options when Concord needs $40 and a PSN account to play) there is no reason to play it.

Back in June there was some Playstation Showcase and Concord got nearly a third of the air time dedicated to its trailers, and nobody liked it. Basically a shittier Guardians of the Galaxy with even worse cringe MCU humor.

The closed beta was so bad that players were struggling to find players to match with.

So Sony has switched to having an open beta....and the player count has dropped even MORE. This thing is crashing and burning before everyone's eyes, and the game hasn't even officially released yet! Firewalk Studio employees had better be firing up their resumes. Concord's release date is officially August 23rd 2024, there is no way they can course correct this.

I would have expected for there to still be plenty of idiots eating up the free beta slop at least, but with such low numbers are gamers finally fed up?