Probably a mentally ill woman who realized she is no longer a young girl with her whole life ahead of her and got triggered hard.
What word should we use now that we can't say m*ddle-aged without triggering people? Postwall? Old? Age-challenged? /jk Lol. In before you can't call 10 year olds kids since it makes 55 year old women feel old.
Just say that you meant it as a slur as you know how to use language correctly.
Then say they should be more niggardly with their remarks to strangers as it might upset someone.
As a finishing move state that you are so incensed that they have made you want to go and smoke a fag - but you won't, even though you really want to now because of what they said.
Then pop one off to video and send it to them saying that's what you did instead and so they don't have to worry about your health. But they should be careful.
You should also tell them that a more retarded reading pace might help them not hastily misunderstand anything you're telling them.
Good advice