posted ago by misogynegro ago by misogynegro +48 / -2

It's a tragedy to have to stoop to the left's level, but for every sanctimonious Con Inc fuckwit virtue-signaling about "principles" at this point, how many of these same loathsome cuckolds stood up for James Fields when he was framed by a kangaroo court for fleeing a psychotic mob?

Oh right, these brave defenders of principles were nowhere to be found because they were afraid of being called not-sees. When the fire was raging and the left was setting the precedent of guilt-by-political-opinion, anyone with REAL principles was committing optics suicide by speaking out against the framing of an extremely unpopular target of state persecution. And they had to suffer that fate because of all the Con Inc cowards who wouldn't put their foot down and say it doesn't fucking matter what someone believes, they could be a nazi or a commie or a Scientologist and it has fuckall to do with whether a given individual is actually guilty of the crime they're alleged to have committed.

These insufferable faggots didn't even stand up for Kyle Rittenhouse until it was safe. Meanwhile for a year Kyle got fucking hosed by a Lionel Hutz greaseball of a lawyer who grifted a bunch of donations because Con Inc was nowhere to be found. Point being, if Con Inc had had real principles when it was actually hard to do so, we would have never had to stoop to this level in the first place.