Since most lefties seem to be angry the bullet missed, that somehow Trump caused the violence against himself, or that he must have faked it I realized something. This is a group that faked an insurrection, a whole lot of dirt, and Russian interference. They aren't complaining that Trump faked it, they are saying they would have done a better job faking it.
The more sane lefty friends of mine have basically said:
Fuck! The last thing the world needs is for Trump to be elevated to hero
So, what are the chances that Biden gets "Assassinated"?
The furthest I'd be willing to go with the conspiracy angle would be, "they purposefully did such a shit job in the hope that some crazy would try it, and succeed". That's still the lesser of the two likely explanations here, though (vs. incompetence).
There is simply no way I'd believe that they actively went out and got this guy - of all the fucking options - and had him be their shooter. It's way more believable that the simpler thing happened: you've got the left pushing another DEI idiot to the top of the USSS (I would love to see the left do the obvious thing when confronted with that line of questioning, and go, "No. Look. Here are all the candidates we had for the head of the USSS, and here is why this particular woman was the most qualified", but you know they can't possibly do that, because there is zero fucking way it was true...), she runs a shit outfit (filled with more of her "We need at least 30% women!" hires), and people got complacent, never wanted to be the one to take responsibility, and make decisions, and this debacle was the result.
Anyone that works knows this one simple fact: there are a lot of people that are absolute shit at their jobs, and they are left in place when management is also shit.
In this particular case? We'll never actually get to the bottom of it, because the left is going to predictably close ranks around the idiot they put in charge, she's going to say all the "right" talking points like, "I take 100% responsibility. The buck stops with me", all the while doing the exact opposite, and the media is going to blast the idiot masses with, "All these attack on her are simply far-right sexism, and misogyny!"