Since most lefties seem to be angry the bullet missed, that somehow Trump caused the violence against himself, or that he must have faked it I realized something. This is a group that faked an insurrection, a whole lot of dirt, and Russian interference. They aren't complaining that Trump faked it, they are saying they would have done a better job faking it.
The more sane lefty friends of mine have basically said:
Fuck! The last thing the world needs is for Trump to be elevated to hero
So, what are the chances that Biden gets "Assassinated"?
Literally doesn't matter. They're in desperation mode now. Any 'Trump and his people are violent' rhetoric helps distract from that they just tried to kill Trump.
Trump is so far ahead any shakeup is good for Dems and the Deep State.
Even "Kamala with Joe Biden martyred" might stand more of chance than the current "Demented Joe vs Trump the Blessed Martyr" narrative.
Any violence against Biden or the left right now would be great for Biden and the left. Almost any outcome is still an improvement for them. They're that fucked at the moment.