The old manosphere was great for comparing notes on what was going on. But the old red pill sites are mostly gone and have been replaced by a great deal of astro turf. Lately, I have noticed people aren't very friendly in public anymore. Asked around to some of the locals and they have told me no one goes out. Have to search to find people.
Also, I was talking with a younger dude who spends his summers going up to Alaska to work. I have known guys who have done that but didn't realize there was an extensive network of guys who do it. From what I gather a good chunk of these guys don't have wives or girlfriends, most are in their twenties but not all. The guy in question is tall, good looking, a very hard worker and a very nice guy. He made it sound like he didn't expect to get a girlfriend anytime soon, and didn't really expect to meet one. I have also known military guys who basically just dropped out of society and traveled. Also nice dudes. And then there was all the gym bros who dropped out after the Tiktok gals started harassing people at the local gyms.
How many young guys have just dropped out of society? I mean, all the dudes I cited are fit, good looking dudes. Just gone. It's hard to tell with the red pill videos as a good chunk of those guys are salesman selling their product, but how bad is it really now? Especially post covid. How many men just dropped out altogether? I'm getting the impression from this anecdotal evidence that it's getting worse, as there is always guys who drop out... But the majority didn't used to be dudes in their prime who were fit and good looking.
Well, on the positive side, I know a handful of young men that seem to be doing alright. Mostly a group of friends-of-a-friend that I gamed with, all in their 20s now. Common element--they all grew up in a small town in Texas with both parents around. It's something I picked up on back then, they still had a real sense of community, if that's even the best way to put it. I don't mean the faggotry community--maybe male camaraderie is a better description.
Then I look around myself, I'm in my 40s. Still feel like the youngest guy at work sometimes, so they aren't making it into those fields. Especially if I'm talking about young men in a male dominated field. It's a big corporation though, so that's expected. I really just string it along because I work from home mostly and get paid way too damn well for the 15 hours a week it really takes me. I do know one guy who's getting near 30 now, in his young 20s he did the go off and work somewhere thing and all for a handful of years. He's got the wife and kid now. So it's not necessarily stone.
Myself, I suppose I'm mgtow, although I'd say I was really going my own way since I was born for the most part. I've never been much to do what others do. I've never been in any sort of angry at women community or anything like that. Sometimes I think if I were to redo it, I'd find a woman in my young 20s, but other times I think I'm happy where I am. I've checked totally out of the female scene at this point, because there's nothing at my age but retreads and hidden problems. I've got enough friends though, good relationships with enough family and a few of the young boys (nephews and cousins) that give me a connection to the next generation.
Forty-somethings marry thirty-something women.