114 Boeing: Made unsafe planes the lead to the death of 346 people. 243.6 Million dollar fine. Alex Jones: Said a school shooting did not happen, apologized for it. 2.75 Trillion fine. Two tiered Justice System. (twitter.com) posted 223 days ago by NatalieBiden 223 days ago by NatalieBiden +115 / -1 83 comments share 83 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Reminder that no matter what they say, no matter what legal force they use, Sandy Hook DID NOT HAPPEN, objectively. Nobody died at all at Sandy Hook.
Frankly it doesn't matter if it did or not. What they did to Alex Jones is inexcusable regardless.
This is true, but we should always stand up for the truth - and anyone with two brain cells to rub together knows that Sandy Hook was a complete fabrication.
I wasn't buying your claim until I saw that you typed out 'objectively'.
Can't argue with OBJECTIVE reality.
Fuck off, shill.
Am I allowed to know whom I am shilling for?
Well we already know that you're a JIDF shill for Israel, so wouldn't surprise me if you're a shill for the US government's lies too.