Vent post inbound:
I want to pimp slap the FUCK out of every dipshit barking "FED!" like the fucking trained seal they are over the recent PF march around Nashville.
In a legal environment that can see federal police arrest you and send you to prison for praying outside an abortion clinic, why is it any surprise that right wing marchers have taken measures to protect their identity by wearing masks, and wearing similar business casual attire?
If you still think that "real MAGA doesn't wear masks," you are both terminally stupid, and totally fucking oblivious to the legal environment at large. I want nothing to do with you, or anyone else who thinks like you, because you are a liability to any real right wing protest movements.
Dumbasses like you are not smart enough to do anything but sit on your fucking couch and drink beer while watching sportsball. Your lack of OPSEC would get any group you came anywhere near rolled up in their entirety. That you are a dissident in your own fucking country hasn't even occurred to you, much less made you get off your fat ass and do something about it.
I don't give a shit if they are infiltrated by Feds, or have Fed informants, PF still goes and does marches. They do something, and learn operational experience, something the right does not have, and is FIFTY YEARS BEHIND THE LEFT ON.
/rant mode off
I swear, if any of you come at me with black pill despair, you get blocked. Come at me like one of the above trained seals I just ranted about, get blocked.
I don't remember anyone doing that. I do know that the Tea Party Express subverted them.
Only if they are federal agents.
No one really needs a uniform one way or another.
RoE doesn't apply here.
Voting is fine, so is protesting, so is Civil Disobedience, when done correctly, with good optics. Here is the Voice of Wales going over local efforts to prevent the construction and fulfillment of a refugee center in a local town.. In it, you see Civil Disobedience, logistics, financing, politicking, and a disciplined long term campaign.
That's a HELL of a lot different than an organization dedicated to fulfilling Left wing narratives by having 3 minute marches, funded and supplied by the government, to feed into Leftwing narratives. Members are only arrested so that they may be held for cameras, then released without charge, and recycled back into operations going forwards.
Patriot Front ONLY does the wrong thing and it benefits only the wrong people. They should never be supported under any circumstance.