Agree with the top-of-the-hour Results updates. They were pretty cringe.
Another few observations
in true Lotus Eaters style, they rotated panelists every hour but didn't introduce anyone or have name graphics. Same issue I have with their YT clips - I barely ever know who their guests are and they don't even add their bios to the YT Descriptions.
it's odd how late it was until any substantial returns came in. They didn't have much to report on for individual ridings until 4-5 am local time. Federal results are historically available much faster in Canada, even back when votes were counted manually, even with polls closing at different times across 6 time zones. Votes used to be tabulated so quickly that the feds passed laws banning TV networks from posting wins from closed Eastern jurisdictions while Western polls were still open.
strange to watch an election broadcast without the seat totals graphic across the bottom
Agree with the top-of-the-hour Results updates. They were pretty cringe.
Another few observations