posted ago by bamboozler1 ago by bamboozler1 +32 / -0

This is a legitimate, "mainstream" political party in Australia. They currently hold the balance of power in one state, and one territory. They also control a large number of local councils (counties, essentially, for the Americans) They're not the Communist party (though they do share many of the same beliefs), and they consistently take a significant proportion of votes at all levels.

You almost would not believe how wacky they've become. It's like they literally live in a fantasy land where everyone wears pronoun badges, where "acknowledgments of Country" are mandatory at all times, where people who don't vote the way they want them to would be excluded from politics, where all vaccines should be mandatory, and where "cis" white men should be excluded from all avenues of public life possible...

This, in a party now largely controlled by fucking Zoomers with no real experience, political or life-wise...

Like, they are actually fucking unhinged. Much more than I realized, and much more than they were 10 years ago (where one of them yelled at me, and then refused to talk to me afterwards, for simply saying "guys" to a room full of both men and women). It appalls me that this is the supposed "party of the youth", and that so many of my fellow countrymen and women (mostly women, lol) vote for these commie traitor fucks. Yes, the Overton window has shifted left, and they have shifted even further left in response, but I didn't realise they were quite this bad...

It's also worth mentioning that their ideological "fellow travellers" hold the balance of power in several German states, in parts of Sweden, and elsewhere.

We're always told how "frightening" the far right are (supposedly). Rarely are we ever exposed to just how crazy the far left are, at the same time...