84 UK 12 yr old referred by school to police and interrogated after saying there was only 2 genders (www.dailymail.co.uk) posted 231 days ago by evilplushie 231 days ago by evilplushie +84 / -0 Prevent investigates boy, 12, for saying there 'are only two genders' A 12-year-old schoolboy has been investigated by counter-extremism officers after he declared there 'are only two genders' and 'there's no such thing as non-binary'. 24 comments share 24 comments share save hide report block hide replies
uk conservatives have not conserved anything in 13 years. they are just progressives playing coy.
Arguably US conservatives are remarkably similar.
Proving once again that political labels are a convenience, a rhetorical device used to generalize for people immune to nuance.