Your genuine concern for my well being is very touching. I'm sure, since you've been baptized and are a Good Person, that this is not a passive aggressive way of trying to insult me.
And no, I'm taking today off. I spent half of yesterday on my roof and the rest doing yard work, after spending most of Friday building a cabinet. I'm good for interacting with the real world.
Truly, you bear a monumental cross.
Pot, kettle.
Your genuine concern for my well being is very touching. I'm sure, since you've been baptized and are a Good Person, that this is not a passive aggressive way of trying to insult me.
And no, I'm taking today off. I spent half of yesterday on my roof and the rest doing yard work, after spending most of Friday building a cabinet. I'm good for interacting with the real world.
I didn't deny that you were, I just used sarcasm to imply that you are a petty, passive aggressive asshole.
Also, I hope you're up to date on your covid boosters.
That's awesome. Go and sin no more