He's not facing criminal penalties, but he's not free. The last paragraph of OP article.
Subject to further submissions by the parties, Mirza will be committed as a forensic patient under the control of the Mental Health Review Tribunal, and will not be released while still deemed a risk to himself or the public.
Wouldn't surprise me if they did let him out, but for now, locked up.
Now let me be edgy sarcastic here since Clown World out-did itself again :
The judge who ruled this needs to be, in Minecraft, raped by a machette-weilding maniac if his pet criminal hurts someone else.
And if the ''in Minecraft'' is only the claim of the person doing it IRL, this judge is totally okay with it.
He's not facing criminal penalties, but he's not free. The last paragraph of OP article.
Wouldn't surprise me if they did let him out, but for now, locked up.
Oh he'll be free after sitting in the naughty boy corner for a bit and the doctor deems he ''reconnected with reality'' or whatever.