I'm, for the first time, reading the 1970s - 1980s Marvel Star Wars comics. You know the ones with that infamous green rabbit.
I love that type of sci fi, in that buck rogers in the 25th century or Flash Gordon vein. The 70s and early 80s nailed that vibe and it's a hard one to describe exactly.
Most sci fi especially comics it seems when you search for it is dreary or is trying to make a statement. That's not what I want. I want space opera/pulpy/fun. And if it came out in the 70s and 80s that would be ideal. I find that modern people who try to replicate old mindsets aren't usually very successful and you can detect the modernity even in subtle ways.
I thought about asking "Askscored" but since KotakuinAction is more involved in the geek/nerd sphere I figured some of you would be knowledgeable about comics.
I enjoyed those old school Marvel Star Wars comics. Interesting you mention Flash Gordon because I watched one of the old serial episodes from the 30s the other day. Didn’t realize that is where the opening scroll comes from. For comics like the pulps you could get the Weird Science/Strange Tales reprints from the 50s. There is also a comic anthology series from the early 80s called Alien Worlds which was influenced by that era