I'm, for the first time, reading the 1970s - 1980s Marvel Star Wars comics. You know the ones with that infamous green rabbit.
I love that type of sci fi, in that buck rogers in the 25th century or Flash Gordon vein. The 70s and early 80s nailed that vibe and it's a hard one to describe exactly.
Most sci fi especially comics it seems when you search for it is dreary or is trying to make a statement. That's not what I want. I want space opera/pulpy/fun. And if it came out in the 70s and 80s that would be ideal. I find that modern people who try to replicate old mindsets aren't usually very successful and you can detect the modernity even in subtle ways.
I thought about asking "Askscored" but since KotakuinAction is more involved in the geek/nerd sphere I figured some of you would be knowledgeable about comics.
The Vader comics that Disney Star Wars did was one of the few things I liked from them. Have you checked out the dark horse comics?