The demographics of Boston, MA, as of 2020, was 44.7% White, 22% black, 19.5% Hispanic/Latino, 9.7% Asian, and 3.4% other. Let's see where the demographics and crime maps overlap:
Using this "debunking" article, we see that 62% of the crime in Boston is caused by black people (who make up 22% of the population), whereas White people commit 30% of the crime (but are 45% of the population, according to that link). This also assumes that the crime reporting is being honest, and not clumping up Hispanic/Latino crime into the White category, which is common place all over the U.S., and massively inflating the White crime stats because of it.
Pretty racist as the violent men are usually not White guys.
Someone’s never been to Boston
Are you suggesting White people are the cause of crime in Boston?
If you are, let's check the stats...
The demographics of Boston, MA, as of 2020, was 44.7% White, 22% black, 19.5% Hispanic/Latino, 9.7% Asian, and 3.4% other. Let's see where the demographics and crime maps overlap:
With that link, click on the "crimes" tab to see where crime is the worst.
Now check out this link, and see how the black and Hispanic distribution almost perfectly overlays the more crime prone areas from the previous link.
Using this "debunking" article, we see that 62% of the crime in Boston is caused by black people (who make up 22% of the population), whereas White people commit 30% of the crime (but are 45% of the population, according to that link). This also assumes that the crime reporting is being honest, and not clumping up Hispanic/Latino crime into the White category, which is common place all over the U.S., and massively inflating the White crime stats because of it.
Do the Irish really count?