I would put them at the same level of terrible idea. No Europeans should be mods here. They all cucked out to globohomo in their own countries. I have no doubt they would do the same here.
At least Lethn accepts the truth about women. His unpopularity with a significant portion of the community makes him a poor choice, but he's a massive improvement of Antonio or the current faggot.
The only worse choice would be Antonio.
I would put them at the same level of terrible idea. No Europeans should be mods here. They all cucked out to globohomo in their own countries. I have no doubt they would do the same here.
At least Lethn accepts the truth about women. His unpopularity with a significant portion of the community makes him a poor choice, but he's a massive improvement of Antonio or the current faggot.
Lethn can't take a hint, let alone a mod position. And he would just be DoM mark II, but dumber.