Like not just " i have misguided opinions" or "im stretching the truth" kind of lies, but the straight up lie where they KNOW they are lying and where they tell you "the square you are seeing is a triangle" kind of lie. I've seen some times over the years before where they lie so blatantly like this but this Yasuke discourse takes the cake with how much they are lying right now.
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The left operates on two facets. The “ruling class” who see people as a means to an end for power and control, then there is the “useful idiots” the overwhelming majority of the left who either refuse to see they are getting played out of vanity or believe if they play along they well become one of the ruling class. The foundational lies are an initiation rite, you are showing your allegiance to authority no matter the absurdity. For the crabs at the bottom, these are seen as benevolent gestures because being told you’re a victim feels better than being told you’re inferior or facing the harsh reality that you’re just not able to or willing to compete against others. It is quite brilliant as it’s the direct play of a brave new world, kalergi plan etc. you lower the competition to a place where they can’t compete against you, then show your “benevolence” by handing them your scraps.