posted ago by AlfredicEnglishRules ago by AlfredicEnglishRules +18 / -0

I am always trying to figure out better ways to keep archive stuff. Twitter is really hard. I have been trying to find an answer for it. I've had a lot of help, so I thought I would show you what I mean.


Here is a post by Voultar. He is telling people someone ransacked his lab. Others are saying his shelves collapsed. He is a retro engineer of some repute so it's an interesting look.


Here is an archive of that post. Notice how it's a single post in a thread with no comments.


Here is a thread reader look at it. I pay $3 a month to do this. Notice how it's just the posts from the thread. No comments.


Here is an archive of the post on thread reader


This is the post on nitter. I have to keep finding a new one to get it to work.


And then the nitter archive. I need to edit the link to get what I want.


Here is the ghost archive. Yeah, if this is real, we have a winner. I have had to edit it slightly to get it archived, but it worked.
